When To Choose In-Home Occupational Therapy For Palliative Care Patients

28 November 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When an ill loved one is sent home from a healthcare facility because he or she wishes to pass away in a familiar and comfortable environment, it's important to continue to arrange healthcare services that will keep the patient comfort. Known as palliative care, this often involves home visits from home health aides and other practitioners who can keep the person out of pain and allow him or her to have some manner of quality of life toward the end. Read More 

Oh My Aching Back: How To Help Your Kids Avoid Pain Caused By Backpacks

8 November 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

With the new school year underway, it's time to start worrying about back pain. You might not realize this, but kids have a lot of weight on their shoulders during the school year. It comes in the form of the books and supplies that they carry around in their backpacks. If they're not careful, the weight they carry on their shoulders can translate into back pain. Unfortunately, back pain can lead to absences, loss of concentration, and even injuries. Read More 

3 Tips For Getting Rid Of Wrinkles On Your Face

22 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have wrinkles on your face, you could be feeling a bit self-conscious about the way that you look. Even though you might realize that wrinkles are completely natural, you could still wish that you could get rid of them. Luckily, there are ways that you can help get rid of wrinkles or reduce their appearance. These are a few tips that can help with this so that you can feel good about the way that you look again. Read More 

Planning A Trip Abroad? Protect Your Health With Medical Insurance & Immunizations

2 October 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Many people dream of traveling abroad. Sometimes, however, that dream can turn into a nightmare if they get injured or ill while traveling in a foreign country. If you are planning a trip abroad, it is crucial to make sure you are prepared in case you get injured or ill and also reduce your risks of illnesses. Here are a few important things to do before you set off on your travels. Read More 

Three “Experimental” Treatments To Try When Conventional Antidepressants Don’t Work

12 September 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Dealing with depression can feel like a long, strung-out battle. You try treatment after treatment and drug after drug, hoping that one of them makes you feel normal again. Many people eventually do find the right combination of antidepressants to alleviate their symptoms at least somewhat. But what should you do when you feel like you've tried everything in the book and your symptoms are still lingering? Here are three more " Read More