How To Treat Dyshridotic Eczema At Home
ShareIf notice blisters on your hands and soles of your feet, it could be dyshidrotic eczema. Dyshidrotic eczema causes itching and flaking skin, and the blisters can be filled with fluid. Though there is no known cause, some medical professionals believe seasonal allergies, hands kept constantly wet, and stress increases the risk. Here are some tips to treat dyshidrotic eczema at home.
Wear Cotton Gloves and Socks
Synthetic materials like wool and latex are more likely to cause flareups, so wear cotton gloves when you do dry household chores. If you fingers are free of blisters, cut the tips off the gloves to help the hands stay cool in hot water. When you do chores involving water, place powder-free vinyl or neoprene gloves inside the cotton gloves.
Hand rinse reusable gloves and allow them to completely dry. If you must wear latex gloves, insert a cotton liner under them. When you work outside in your garden, protect your hands with thick leather gloves without a lining or gloves with a thick material.
Wearing cotton socks and changing them often will help stop sweat build up on the feet. Buy shoes made from leather and don't wear tennis shoes since the material they are made from aren't breathable.
Practice Good Hygiene to Avoid Triggers
Treating dyshidrotic eczema involves practicing good hygiene. After you use the toilet, wash them in a soap free of chemicals, rinse hands in lukewarm water, and dab them dry. In fact, wash your hands only when you really need to like using the toilet and be selective with the soap. Don't buy anti-bacterial or water-free soaps since they often contain perfumes and alcohol which will make the problem worse.
It is best to get someone help you wash your hair when you have flare-ups, but if that isn't possible, wear cotton gloves and place rubber bands keep the hands dry. Try to avoid cleaning dishes or clothes with your hands. If you must use the dishwasher, keep the water running and clean the dishes with along-handled scrubber to prevent hot water from damaging hands.
Control the Scratching
Common sense should tell you to avoid scratching the infected area. A good remedy to control the itch is to soak the hands in oat milk for several minutes. Another natural way to relieve itching is by soaking the hands in one cup of vinegar and one cup of water. Keep your fingernails short to avoid breaking blisters in case you forget and scratch one. Nickel also causes allergic reactions so take you rings off for a little while to see if the itching stops.
For more information, contact Advanced Dermatology Care or a similar location.