Understanding And Treating Your Child's UTI

15 May 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are most commonly associated with female adults, but they can also affect men and even children. Although most adults are able to communicate discomfort in the urinary area, most children do not understand that they could be dealing with an infection. With this guide, you will learn the signs and treatment options for urinary tract infections in children.

Signs of UTIs in Kids

Every child and every infection are different, so your child may experience different symptoms than another child with a UTI. However, in most cases, urinary tract infections that affect the urethra or bladder will cause discomfort, which is the most common sign.

Discomfort may be felt while your child urinates, but they may not communicate this pain with you at first. Therefore, consider asking your child if they are feeling ok while using the bathroom.

You should also pay attention to when they use the bathroom since UTIs can cause your child to urinate more frequently. If they are waking up from naps or from sleeping at night more than usual, they may have a urinary tract infection.

Check your child's urine periodically, as well. If the urine appears dark yellow, cloudy, or tinged with blood, schedule an appointment with their pediatrician. Also, urine that has a severely foul odor may be a sign of an infection.

Finally, bedwetting may be a sign of a UTI. If your child is wetting the bed more or has recently started wetting the bed while sleeping, they may not be able to control their bladders because of the infection's urgency and pain.

Treating UTIs in Kids

If your child is complaining of pain or discomfort or you are noticing one or more of the above signs, schedule a consultation with their pediatrician. A simple urinalysis, where your child will urinate in a cup/container before the urine is tested, will confirm the infection.

In babies or very young children, a catheter may need to be inserted to collect a urine sample. This can be uncomfortable for your baby/young child, but it is an imperative part of diagnosing infections properly to ensure effective and efficient treatment.

Once the infection is confirmed, the pediatrician will prescribe an antibiotic medication. This medication should be taken as directed, ensuring all is taken to kill the bacteria and stop the spreading of the infection.

Your child should feel better after a few days of starting the antibiotic. If symptoms are not improving after a few days or they have worsened, visit the pediatrician again for more testing.

For more information, contact a pediatrician or visit sites like http://www.advocarelerchamatopeds.com