Dealing With Back Pain? 4 Signs You Need More Than Your Current DIY Treatment

16 October 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


If you're suffering from back pain, you need to take it seriously, especially if your current treatment isn't working properly. Minor back pain can be caused by over-exertion or strained muscles. However, there are times when back pain is a sign of something worse. If you're dealing with back pain and you can't seem to find the right treatment, it might be time to visit your doctor. Here are four signs that you might need to invest in back pain treatments

Your Pain Won't Go Away

If you've been treating your back pain with over-the-counter medication but it's stopped working, it's time to visit your doctor. In most cases, over-the-counter medication will work to alleviate minor aches and pains. If this method is no longer working, it could be a sign that the pain you're experiencing in your back is more than a simple pulled muscle. This is particularly true if the pain you're experiencing is becoming more intense. 

You're Experiencing Dizziness

If your back pain has caused you to experience episodes of dizziness, you need to visit your doctor as soon as possible. Dizziness associated with back pain can be a sign of a serious medical condition. Some of the medical conditions associated with back pain and dizziness include osteoarthritis, sciatica, and stroke. If your back pain is accompanied by episodes of dizziness, seek medical attention right away. 

You've Developed a Fever

If you've developed a fever along with your back pain, it's time to contact your doctor. Fevers associated with back pain can be a sign of infection such as a bladder or kidney infection. It can also be a sign of a serious muscle infection known as pyomyositis. Infections require quick medical intervention, especially if they're causing back pain. Your doctor can provide the proper treatment for the infection and the back pain. 

Your Legs Are Tingling

If your back pain is accompanied by tingling in your extremities, such as your legs, you need to go beyond natural at-home treatments for the pain. Tingling can be a sign of nerve damage, especially when back pain is involved. Before you continue with your current at-home pain treatments, contact your primary care physician. They can help determine the cause of the back pain and tingling. 

Don't take chances with your back pain. If the back pain you're experiencing isn't going away with your current at-home treatment, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.