Protect Your Veins: Signs You May Need Sclerotherapy

29 September 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


If you've been having problems with your legs lately, it might be time to speak to a vein specialist. You might not realize this, but vein problems can cause serious damage to your legs and to your health. Unfortunately, many people simply ignore the veins in their legs. If you've been doing that, you need to make some changes. Look at the list provided below. If you're experiencing any of the issues described here, it's time to talk to a vein specialist about sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy can provide you with the treatment you need for your vein problems. 

You've Got a Spider Web of Veins

If you've noticed a growing network of veins in your legs, especially around your ankles and knees, it's time to take the problem seriously. Spider veins don't become a problem overnight. The problem develops over time. It might start out with a few spider veins scattered around your knees and ankles. But, if left untreated, spider veins can spread quickly. Once that happens, you end up with an unsightly web of veins. Sclerotherapy can eliminate the network and restore your veins to good health. 

Your Varicose Veins are Bulging

If you thought all unsightly veins were the same, you were incorrect. In addition to spider veins, there are also varicose veins that you need to worry about. Varicose veins are swollen blood vessels that are closer to the surface. Varicose veins tend to be blue or purple in color and can become quite painful, especially if they're not treated. If your varicose veins are bulging, or are causing you pain, it's time to talk to your vein specialist about sclerotherapy. 

Your Legs and Ankles are Swelling

If you've noticed swelling in your legs or ankles, it's time to pinpoint the problem. Swelling in your legs and ankles may indicate a problem with your veins. This is especially true if you're only experiencing swelling in one leg or ankle. To alleviate the swelling, try elevating your legs. This should allow blood to flow away from the affected veins. If elevating your legs doesn't alleviate the problem, or you experience increased swelling, seek medical care as soon as possible. 

You've Got Constant Pain in Your Legs

If you're suffering from chronic leg pain, take the problem seriously. When vein problems interrupt proper blood flow, you may notice issues such as pain, cramping, and throbbing. When that happens, it's important that you speak to a vein specialist as soon as possible.