Dos and Don'ts of Recovering From an Eating Disorder

30 November 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


It can be challenging to recover from an eating disorder. Many people who are suffering from an eating disorder want to know how they can properly recover. This is particularly true when you need food to survive, but food is something that you don't want or is unable to keep down. As you are recovering from an eating disorder, here are a few dos and don'ts to help you out.

1. Do Get Professional Help

Many people tend to believe that they can recover on their own, and while this may be true for some, it is often easier to recovery when there is a tailored treatment plan in place with the guidance of professional healthcare providers. However, when professional care is unavailable, it can be helpful to use self-help books.

2. Don't Criticize Yourself

There are some symptoms related to eating disorders, including self-criticism. However, as you are trying to recover, you do not want to beat yourself up, as this is not going to motivate you to get better. Rather than beating yourself up, which will increase the negative emotions that you have, you need to think about working on some affirmation exercises that can help you remain positive in such a difficult situation.

3. Do Put Your Needs First

When recovering from an eating disorder, your needs must be placed above anyone else's, regardless of what the situation may be. Otherwise, you may hurt yourself more in the process, particularly if the other individual has an eating disorder as well. You may want to help them, but you can of no true help to them until you are healthy yourself. So, get yourself healthy, and then you can determine how much of yourself you can give to someone else.

4. Don't Give Up Hope

An eating disorder is a very serious disease that can sometimes be fatal. However, the good news is that eating disorders are treatable and it is completely possible to fully recover from the disorder. Unfortunately, if you lose hope and do not have faith in yourself, you may find yourself going downhill. You need to try to stay as positive as possible. If you ever stop seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, schedule an appointment with a therapist. 

If you or someone you love has an eating disorder, you should seek professional help. For more information, contact a professional about eating disorder treatments.