Behavioral Health: Can Distress Tolerance Therapy Help You?

14 September 2021
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


If even the smallest things agitate or stress you out, you may need distress tolerance therapy soon. Distress tolerance therapy teaches you healthier and better ways to manage the things that upset or frighten you out the most in life. Learn more about distress tolerance therapy and how to use it in your life below.

What's Distress Tolerance Therapy?

Distress tolerance therapy is a type of behavioral health treatment used to change the way people react to problems, situations, and incidences in life. The therapy teaches individuals to respond appropriately to all types of situations, including situations they may or may not create themselves. Behavioral health specialists use a number of techniques during distress tolerance therapy, including the distraction technique and the improving the moment technique.

The techniques above help you overcome stressful situations by refocusing your energy and mind on more positive things in life, such as a beloved pet or a favorite vacation spot. You focus your attention, energy, and mind on something positive, engaging, or happy every time you experience a negative or stressful situation. The techniques teach you to tolerate stressful situations without anger, fear, and other negative emotions.

Therapists may use many other techniques in distress tolerance therapy to help you get through your ordeals. You can learn more about tolerance therapy by signing up for a behavioral health program.

How Do You Undergo Distress Tolerance Therapy?

A behavioral health program can help you gain control over the distress in your life. A therapist may begin your distress tolerance therapy treatments right away, or they may use another type of therapy to help you. The treatment you need to undergo may depend on your goals in life, current emotional and mental health, and past emotional and mental health.

These criteria may determine how long you receive treatment and when. For example, if your situation is mild, your therapy may not take long to complete. If your situation is severe, your distress tolerance treatment may take several months or longer to complete. 

In addition to the information above, a therapist may also cater your treatment around your regular doctor's recommendations and advice. If you react negatively to stressful situations because of a long-term illness or injury, behavioral therapy may be able to help you learn coping mechanisms to overcome all of your issues. A therapist and your doctor may work together during your therapy or separately.

If you think distress tolerance therapy can help you, contact a behavioral health service, such as ABA Adaptive Services, today.