Hookah Accessories For The Beginner To Consider

31 December 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Are you thinking about buying a hookah as an alternative to other smoking options or just to enhance your social experiences? There are a few different accessories to consider investing in when buying your new hookah or shortly thereafter including: Flavor Enhancers There are add-on devices that can be purchased for your hookah that will help to enhance the flavor of your shisha and even make it last a little longer. Read More 

Dos and Don’ts of Recovering From an Eating Disorder

30 November 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

It can be challenging to recover from an eating disorder. Many people who are suffering from an eating disorder want to know how they can properly recover. This is particularly true when you need food to survive, but food is something that you don't want or is unable to keep down. As you are recovering from an eating disorder, here are a few dos and don'ts to help you out. Read More 

Struggling With Atopic Dermatitis? Try These Resources

30 October 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Atopic dermatitis can be a frustrating condition to manage. Even after you identify your triggers, avoiding them can be tough. And although there are medications and medicated creams that can help ease the symptoms of your condition, they are not always effective, and you may be left still dealing with minor symptoms or the occasional flare-up. This can wear on you after a while, and you may find yourself desiring more support and information. Read More 

Protect Your Veins: Signs You May Need Sclerotherapy

29 September 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you've been having problems with your legs lately, it might be time to speak to a vein specialist. You might not realize this, but vein problems can cause serious damage to your legs and to your health. Unfortunately, many people simply ignore the veins in their legs. If you've been doing that, you need to make some changes. Look at the list provided below. If you're experiencing any of the issues described here, it's time to talk to a vein specialist about sclerotherapy. Read More 

LASIK Helps Near Sighted Pitchers Regain Their Skills

29 August 2020
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Baseball pitchers are the most important players on their team and therefore need to keep their skills high to ensure they see success on the field. However, problems with vision – such as a case of nearsightedness – may make this success harder to achieve. Thankfully, LASIK eye surgery can ensure that a pitcher doesn't end up struggling to control their throws. Nearsightedness Can Be Frustrating Successful pitchers need to have great vision to control the ball properly during throws and to ensure that they get the ball over the plate and properly positioned. Read More